Salina's most trusted

Pest control experts

You can reach out to Rex and Matt Lacy today and get the help of two Kansas state certified technicians to keep your home or office clear of any kinds of pests or rodents.

Proudly Serving Salina, KS

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State-Certified Pest Control Technicians

You can receive a 3-10 year warranty on Termidor Chemical Treatment. Keeping homes pest-free since 1932, you can reach out to Rex and Matt Lacy today and get the help of two Kansas state certified technicians to keep your home or office clear of any kinds of pests or rodents. If you believe your home may be suffering from a termite infestation, you can have the experts come out and take a look. We offer a chemical treatment for your home that will effectively manage an infestation. If your home is suffering from a rodent infestation, Harry Lacy Chemical Co. Termite & Pest Control can help you. Take advantage of our free estimate on extermination services today by contacting us!

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Contact Harry Lacy Chemical Co. Termite & Pest Control

You can receive a 5 or 10-year warranty on termite control if we work in your home! You can trust 4 generations of experience when it comes to making sure your home is pest-free! Remember to get your free estimate when you call.
Male Pest Control Worker Shaking Hands With Happy Woman In Kitchen

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